Monday, January 13, 2014

Family comes first

Although I am keen to continue with my MAGAM challenge I have some other sewing I have to finish before Australia Day. My grandson's primary school class went to the Perth Hills Wildlife Discovery Centre before Christmas and while they were there they all placed their handprints, in brown and yellow paint, on a large piece of calico.

Grandson won this piece of art in a draw and Grandma has been asked to make a keepsake of it.  It is a little over a metre square so I am adding a border of earthy coloured squares around it, with a shot of green here and there, then will back it and turn it into a sort of quilty thing. I'm hoping it will turn out ok.


  1. Of course important things like being with your grandchildren take priority :)

  2. Your 'art' quilt for your grandson sounds lovely! Please show us photos of it when you get it done.
